Kot država sLOVEnija imamo svoje predstavnike v Bruslju, kot domovina odličnih frizerjev pa imamo enega tudi v elitnem izboru TEAM EVROPA, in tega enega si lahko ogledate v akciji na straneh PK HAIR – Primoža Keršiča. Na fotografijah v družbi Massimiliana Pintona (Team Gogen), Alessia Solidania (Smart&Style), Angela Francase in Clauda Tarentina. Nastopajo med čudovitimi linijami pričesk, barv, striženj, česanja, novih idej in kar malih umetnin. Kot v nepozabnem filmu – oglejte si ga tudi vi, enkrat v živo, priporočamo!
As a small country, like sLOVEnia is, we have some representatives in Brusells, as a big country known for some excellent hair-stylists name we have ONE in elite TEAM EVROPA. You can take a look at him on these PK HAIR web pages – and see Primož Keršič. In good company of Massimiliano Pinton (Team Gogen), Alessio Solidani (Smart&Style), Angelo Francase and Claude Tarentino. They were performing beetwen some wonderful hair-lines, coloures, cuts and new ideas, sometimes little art-works. Like that unforgetable movie you once saw – see for yourself one day in Riccione, today on these photos and enjoy for a moment!