Še in še »ole« je ta sejem, eden izmed največjih evropskih sejmov lasne kozmetike. Prava, velika poslastica za delo na odru, pred temperamentnimi Špankami in Španci. Tisočero občinstvo daje ogromno energije in adrenalina, kar čutiš, kako zahteva največ o visoki modi in drugačnost.
In odločno povedano – to je tudi bilo tisto, kar so dobili na Kemonovem odru! Fajn občutek, fajn.
More and more and »ancore ole« we can say about this world biggest hair-cosmetics fair in Madrid. Really good and powerfull feeling working infront of all those thousents of spaniards, full of temperament and energy. You give everything you have to show best and newest there is in todays high hair fashion. »La vida« is all about feeling good about yourself and that was exactly what we gave on that big Kemon stage. Really great!