P.K. HAIR ima deset let
Bila je rdeča preproga, Venera v tehtnici, poseben večer, mingljanje ljudi,
dobra torta in to ne samo ena, deset svečk,
P.K. HAIROVCI, klobuk in glasba in
nekaj besed zahvale, čestitke, mama in želja, da se čez deset let vidimo spet!
Vse naj bo še.
Foto; Andraž Vrhovec
PK HAIR celebrated first 10 years
There was red carpet, Venus in Libra special event,
people mingling around, good cake and not just one,
ten candles, P.K. HAIR stuff, the hat and music and
a few words of thank you, congratulations,
mum and great wish we see you again!
All the best.